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Language and information studies - introduction

Masterfs Program and Doctoral Program
in Modern Languages and Cultures
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Tsukuba

What kind of gknowledgeh do we need to understand this period we call gmodernh? In this contemporary gmodernh time, we are witnessing all conceivable phenomena in this human world -cultural, linguistic, political, and economic\drastically changing, transcending their boundaries. Living in such a dynamic time, we are now faced with two difficult questions: how do we perceive ourselves\who we are and what we are\and what should we do in order to find a way to live in peace and harmony with others from different cultural backgrounds?
gModern Languages and Culturesh is a new, innovative academic body which studies a variety of issues relating to these difficult, but quite important questions. Adopting flexible, creative ideas and approaches beyond existing disciplinary boundaries, the program aspires to reach the ultimate goal of creating new gmodern knowledgeh through research.
In order to achieve this goal effectively, gModern Languages and Culturesh has two separate courses: gModern Culture Studiesh and gLanguage and Information Studiesh. gModern Culture Studiesh particularly pursues studies on cultural phenomena in this world from diverse approaches, while gLanguage and Information Studiesh focuses on linguistic phenomena from cultural and other perspectives. Each course, by adopting interdisciplinary perspectives and methods, aims to provide students with educational opportunities to pursue studies on cultural or linguistic problems. Through studies in these courses, students undergo essential training for their future career as scholars or professionals in academic and business fields abroad as well as in Japan.
To achieve these objectives efficiently, gModern Languages and Culturesh@is adopting an exceptional educational system, as the following details:
1. Studentsf free, open ideas are highly respected as the core of their studies and learning.
2. Students are supported by more than one advisor.
3. Students are allowed to take classes from other faculties and departments. Credits from the classes will be counted as credits required by gModern Languages and Culturesh (credits limited). This is to enhance studentsf interdisciplinary learning.
4. Students will have many occasions to present their papers and ideas to their colleagues and teachers, which will encourage communication and the growth of a research community.
5. Students are actively encouraged to make presentations on their own topics at both international and domestic conferences.
6. Studentsf study abroad is strongly endorsed. Also, students from abroad are enthusiastically welcomed. An international environment created from students with different cultural backgrounds will foster studentsf interest in, and understanding about, other cultures.

gModern Languages and Culturesh is perfect for those who hope to pursue extensive studies on cultural or linguistic problems posed to us in this gmodernh time, and who seek careers as professional scholars in academic fields or as business professionals in various social fields.

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