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言語情報分野 学生

Relationships Between Productive Vocabulary Knowledge and Speaking Performance of  Japanese Learners of English at the Novice Level.
Inference Generation Processes of Japanese EFL Learners: Effects of Questioning on Their Reading Comprehension.
The Effects of Task Types on Listening Test Performance: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study.  
The Chunking Process of Japanese EFL Readers Focusing on Verb Bias, L2 Reading Proficiency, and Working Memory.
ネットワーク時代における「個人主義」と「集団主義」- オープンソースの運動と「情報共有」についての科学論的分析 -
Factors Affecting Performance of Japanese EFL Learners in Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Tests in Sentential Context
Dynamic Aspects of Individual Difference Variables: Focus on Trait and State Components
Encoding, Activation and Convergence of L2 Word Memory Among Japanese EFL Learners
A Minimalist Analysis of A'-Constructions in English and Related Constructions in Japanese
The Role of Retelling in Japanese EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension
The Process of Inference Generation in Japanese EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
The Effects of Format Differences on Multiple-Choice Listening Tests: Focusing on the Presentation of Questions and Options
A Study of Roles of EFL Learners’ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Motivational Beliefs and Learning Behavior
Making and Revising Predictive Inferences in Japanese EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension
The Role of Context-Based Mental Imagery in Intentional Vocabulary Learning Among Japanese EFL Learners
Modeling of EFL Reading Comprehension Based on the Event-Indexing Model Focusing on the Role of Situational Continuity
Construction of Globally Coherent Mental Representations of Texts in Japanese EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
Lexical Inference, Memory Representation, and Incidental Learning in Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition
The Effect of Using Films as Teaching Materials on Japanese EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension Abilities
Use of Semantic and Syntactic Cues in Sentence Parsing of EFL Learners
Understanding Causal Relations and Learning From Text in Japanese EFL Readers
Generation of Knowledge-Based Inferences in Japanese EFL Learners' Reading Comprehensions
Constructing Mental Representations of Textual Topic Structure Among Japanese EFL Readers
Effects of Task Conditions on Spoken Performance in Retelling
Processing and Interpreting Unknown Words With Morphological and Contextual Information Among Japanese EFL Learners: Focusing on the Semantic Transparency of Morphemes and Learner Proficiency

Development of a Speaking Test for Japanese Junior High School Students
Japanese EFL Learner's Proficiency and Their Reading Processes: From the Viewpoint of Inference Generation
日本語と中国語における敬意表現の比較研究 ―命令・依頼表現を中心に
中国新歌劇における英雄像 ―歌劇『劉胡蘭』を中心に―
メディアと体験の諸問題 ―電子ネットワークと価値・感情指向コミュニケーションを中心に―
The Effects of Listening Proficiency and Task on the Listening Test Performance of Japanese EFL Learners
清代白話小説に見られる量詞の研究 ―『児女英雄伝』と『官場現形記』を中心として   
A Syntactic Analysis of Elements in the Left Periphery in English
The Chunking Process and Reading Comprehension of Japanese EFL Learners
English Subtitles and their Effects on Listening Comprehension of Japanese EFL Learners
The Effects of Concreteness, Learner's Word Knowledge and Reading Ability on Vocabulary Tests  
Effects of Task Conditions on Variations in State Motivation in EFL Learning
How the Link Strength Between Context and Target Word Affects Performance on Vocabulary Tests
Nibelungenlied B写本におけるze不定詞と不定詞の分布上の差異について
Topic and Rater Criteria for Assessing Essays of Japanese EFL Learners
How Japanese EFL Learners Read and Retell Stories
A Comparative Study of Writing Tasks in Japanese High School English Textbooks
The Effects of Motivational Variables on Japanese EFL Learner's Strategy Use in Pre-Task Planning
Processing Difficulty in Japanese EFL Reader's Inference Generation: Focusing on L2 Reading Proficiency, Target Language, and Text Causality
An Investigation of Word Recognition Skills Among Japanese EFL Learners: Focusing on Lexical and Assembly Routes
科学技術のリスク認識に関する研究 ―日本におけるリスク認識の文化理論の検討―
中国の対外言語普及政策におけるアクター構造の研究 − 対外文化政策における2つの軸の対立と変化を中心に −
Exploring the Effect of Corrective Feedback and Metalinguistic Explanation on Japanese EFL Students' Writing
A Study of Syntactic Markedness: With Special Reference to Double-o Constraint in Japanese
Identifying the Main Ideas of Expository Texts for Japanese EFL Learners
日中慣用句に見られる身体語彙について − 「顔」と"'"を中心に −
The Practicality of Peer Assessment and Feedback on Oral Performance in Japanese EFL Classrooms
The Role of Situational Continuity in Japanese EFL Learners' Reading Process
Activation and Encoding Processes of Predictive Inferences: The Role of Contextual Support in EFL Reading Comprehension
Discourse Marker Use in Spoken English and EFL Textbooks for Speaking: A Corpus-based Analysis
The Relationship Between Vocabulary Knowledge and Reading Comprehension of Japanese EFL Learners: Focusing on Learners Below the Threshold Vocabulary Size
Comprehension Process and Predictive Inference Generation Among Japanese EFL Readers
Contextualized Vocabulary Learning and Imagery Representation
韓国人留学生の会話における日韓コード・スイッチングの多機能性 −会話分析の手法を用いて−
Thematic Inference Activation Among Japanese EFL Learners in Narrative Reading
The Process of Context-Based Lexical Inferences During EFL Reading
Effects of Text Structure and Reading Tasks on Goal Inference Generation in EFL Reading
Causal Inferences Among Japanese EFL Readers of Expository Texts: On-Line Generation and Off-Line Representation
EFL Readers’ Main Idea Comprehension Based on Higher- and Lower-Level Text Information
Effects of Chunk Presentation Speed on Reading Comprehension Among Japanese EFL Learners
Effects of Refutation Text on the Process of Revising Misconceptions in Japanese EFL Learners' Reading
Insensitivity Towards Functions of the Definite Article in Text Integration Among EFL Readers
Effects of Self-Assessment on Improving English Pronunciation for EFL Learners: Focusing on Intelligibility
Intentional Vocabulary Learning With Known Associates: Focusing on Number and Relatedness
Intertextual Comprehension of Conflicting Texts Among Japanese EFL Readers
A Construction of Learning-Support System Using Text-to-Speech Technology and an Analysis of Japanese EFL Learners’ Learning Behavior in Speaking Practice: From a Viewpoint of Learning Log Data.
Learning Polysemous Words Through Lexical inferencing: in Japanese EFL Learners
Use of Morphological and Contextual Information in Japanese EFL Lexical Inferencing
Monitoring Cohesion and Coherence in Japanese EFL Reading: Text Features and Readers’ Proficiency
Relationship Between Japanese EFL Learners’ Reading Fluency and Vocabulary Knowledge: Size, Depth, and Automaticity
Pre-Task Planning and Language Anxiety in Japanese EFL Learners' Retelling
The Relationship Between Japanese EFL Learners’ Reading Ability and Phonological Processing Skills: Prosodic and Phonological Awareness
The Effects of L1 Oral Retelling on Constructing the Situation Model in EFL Reading: Evidence From Online and Offline Tasks
The Development of Interactional Competence in Simulated Talks and Repetitively Paired Oral Tasks
Effects of Paraphrasing on EFL Test-Takers’ Performance in Multiple-Choice Reading Comprehension Tests
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