英語教育学サブプログラム English

English Language Education

Why Choose Us?

The Subprogram in English Language Education focuses on bridging the gulf between the practice and theory of English teaching. In our global world, there is a need for higher levels of English proficiency, and yet many people still struggle to use English in academic, pedagogical, or vocational environments. Our subprogram aims at developing effective, advanced teaching methods as well as formulating universal language theories by providing deeper insight into the mechanism of foreign language learning. Through such research, our subprogram aims to help students acquire the knowledge and competences they will need to tackle the problems they will face in a career in language teaching.

Why Choose Us? Why Choose Us?

Examination Info

If you need previous examinations of our program, let us know the following: (1) if you are interested in our doctoral program only or both master's AND doctoral programs, and (2) your contact information, including your full name, postal address, and current institution (with your current school year)

We will send photocopies of the previous exams to your postal address if you live in Japan now. If you are in a foreign country with a contact person in Japan, please give us their postal address, to which we will send the photocopies of the previous exams; in that case, let them know that our envelop will be delivered on a COD basis. If you are in a foreign country without any contact person in Japan, let us know the name of the faculty member you have in mind as your possible academic advisor and if you have contacted them already.

See more here: University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

Faculty (Supervision & Lectures)

  • HIRAI Akiyo
    Second Language Acquisition, Assessment
    L2 Reading, English Language Teaching
    Second language assessment, learning, and teaching, Speaking
  • ONO Yuichi
    CALL Educational Technology, Computer-Assisted Language Learning(Master’s Program)
  • SUEMORI Saki
    Second Language Acquisition, Psychology of Language Learning
  • YANAGISAWA Akifumi
    Vocabulary Research, Psychology of Learning, Materials Development & Evaluation

Affiliated Faculty (Lectures)

Selected PhD Dissertations

(*The list includes those submitted to the previous program before reorganization.)

  • Effects of Providing Known Associates on Intentional Vocabulary Learning: Comparing Synonyms, Co-hyponyms, and Lexical Collocations
  • The Flexible Lexical Inferencing Processes of Japanese EFL Learners: A Think-Aloud Study
  • Processing and Interpreting Unknown Words With Morphological and Contextual Information Among Japanese EFL Learners: Focusing on the Semantic Transparency of Morphemes and Learner Proficiency
  • Effects of Task Conditions on Spoken Performance in Retelling
  • Generation of Knowledge-based Inferences in Japanese EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
  • Understanding Causal Relations and Learning From Text in Japanese EFL Readers
  • Constructing Mental Representations of Textual Topic Structure Among Japanese EFL Readers

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